First Blog Post
All the content got deleted! (again) I'm trying to restore
some of the ones that survived. I hope you enjoy my website though!
If you were wondering I post about all my opinions. This website isn't
very popular. (as of 5/4/2024) I have no idea why I made a blog but
here we are. Although this must have worked, because you're reading
this! Please enjoy what I have made, I also have another website. (It's
a work in progress) I'll post it when it's ready.
Why. You can get a tumbler for way cheaper. You can get an 8 pack for $30.
While 1 cup is $35! Just get the 8 pack of off brand ones. They aren't that
much different. Like if you agree.
I am sorry! I forgot all about this website.
Remember that I have a life too. I can't spend
all day writing articles. One more thing though
This website has reached 100 views! So thanks
for that! In other news, I finshed the other
website. This is the website >>>
Let me tell you something. Imagine this, people actually
WANT 2020 back. Wha- Why- Do you know the events that
happened? You might not have been affected but seriously.
Tiktok, Youtube, even the news. Have you not watched anything
during that time? People posted about it, MANY TIMES! Oh yeah,
we got 2 weeks of school off. But it was because of the events..
Family members dying, getting sick. This was the REAL reason they
let us have 2 weeks off. Then, people say that it was way easier
cheat because they were at home. NO DUH. BUT LIKE WHY WOULD YOU?
Also, people LIKED being trapped inside their house. ....Ummmmmm
Yeah, so um. Let me tell you something. Only one person, EACH DAY,
could leave the house. ONE. WHY DO YOU WANT 2020 BACK? I give up.